
ChinoChinako's travel adventures, all in one place.

  • Fetching Neon: Meeting the Team Behind inFAMOUS Second Son, Sucker Punch Productions
    Gaming,  Travel

    Fetching Neon: Meeting the Team Behind inFAMOUS Second Son, Sucker Punch Productions

    In 2014, Sucker Punch Productions released their new game based on their popular inFAMOUS franchise, inFAMOUS Second Son. This new game was the first in the series to veer from focusing on Cole MacGrath and instead centered on someone else who had his own story to tell, introducing us to Delsin Rowe. This is the story of how I used my love for this game to propel me into the studio of Sucker Punch Productions. This post is a little on the longer side because I think it’s important to tell the story of how I even got into the lucky position of rubbing elbows with the developers (henceforth known…

  • Pokemon GO Austin Experience. Photo credit PokeHuntATX
    Gaming,  Travel

    The Austin Pokémon GO Experience

    The date is July 6, 2016 and the outside world has erupted with people among parks and city streets. They are all hyper-focused on their phones and tablets, taking a few steps then pausing where they stand while their fingers interact with their screens. It was the day Niantic released Pokémon GO into the world. Mobile apps usually have short lifespans, but Niantic has found a niche that is still very much alive and well. Fast forward to the present date, just a few months shy of Pokémon GO’s second anniversary. The app has lost a lot of traction along the way, but it still holds a large fan base…